Iris OnWatch™ Portal

Provide your customers with a secure portal to help them safeguard their identity —
customized to reflect your brand and market.

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You Select, We Build

You don't need a team of your own developers to add identity protection to your offerings.
We'll work with you to craft a web-based portal for your customers that reflects
your branding, your business model, and your available resources.

Choose Your Customization Level

Depending on your budget and marketing needs, you can choose simpler branding on a standard template, or commission us to richly customize your portal so it feels uniquely yours!

Select the Perfect Combination of Features and Services for Your Market

Iris offers over a dozen distinctive features and services that you can opt to include in your portal. From proactive identity and credit alerts, to risk assessment and manual data lookup tools, to analyzing potential scam messages, Iris makes it easy to deliver a package that fits your needs.

Match User Access to Your Business Model

Different business models call for different customer paths into their identity portal. Whether you want your customers to purchase their own subscription, log in with their member ID or phone number, or gain access by some other method — we’ve got you covered.

Offer Customer Alerts and Notifications Via Multiple Channels

Different types of customers prefer to receive communications about their identity protection in different ways. When we set up an Iris OnWatch portal for your customers, you have the option to provide them with email, SMS, and/or in-app notifications to help them protect themselves.

Internationalize With Ease

If you’re a global company, you’re likely well-versed in localization needs. And if you’ve ever explored offering identity protection in multiple countries, you know there’s a lot to be considered: data security requirements, legal ramifications, consumer data differences, and more. Leverage Iris' global expertise to reduce your go-to-market time, and let us do the heavy lifting. Delivering identity and cyber protection services in over 120 countries across 6 continents, we're at the ready to power your program today.

Ready To Start Building Your OnWatch Identity Portal?

With global headline-grabbing data breaches and cyberattacks occurring on a near-daily basis, your customers are eager for a secure, reliable service to protect them from identity theft and fraud.  

An Iris OnWatch portal puts identity and cyber protection within your reach — enabling you to differentiate your organization from competitors by offering valuable peace of mind to your customers. Now, you just need to decide how you want to enable your customers to access your identity protection services.